Campaign Manager - Campaign Dashboards

Grid Functionality

Grid functionality allows you to group your data by applying dimensions, sorting columns, and exporting the grid to Excel or creating a segment in Campaign Manager from a data cell in the grid.

Grid functionality is available in the Rate Analysis, Detail and Count Analysis dashboards.


Applying a date filter to a grid returns events for the specified filter. Note that this may mean a grid could show calculated measure counts of 0, for example as the Open Rate, even though there are open events showing. This is because the corresponding sent events required to calculate the measure were outside the selected date filter.

When using the Campaign Test functionality and sending emails as part of a test campaign, the Sent events do not show in the email Dashboards for that campaign. However, if any of the emails are opened, then Open events will be shown in the dashboards. This is because Open events are required to drive triggers as part of the campaign test process.

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